Equality &

Equality and diversity statement:
Statement from our Chair
The British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association are committed to making Bobsleigh and Skeleton more equitable and available to everyone.
We are committed to equality and valuing diversity within both the sport and our workforce. Everyone should be free to participate regardless of gender, race, ability, religion, sexuality or age. We will provide equality of opportunity and will not tolerate discrimination on grounds of gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, HIV positivity, working pattern, caring responsibilities, political beliefs - or any other grounds.
Our goal is to ensure that these commitments, reinforced by our values, are embedded in our day-to-day working practices with colleagues, partners, coaches, volunteers, athletes and other stakeholders.
Great Britain has an increasingly diverse population - not all have an equitable representation in Bobsleigh and Skeleton. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate at competitive levels and to progress to an elite level. Participating in sport improves community relationships and the general health of the population.
UK Sport have provided all National Governing Bodies with Equality and Diversity Standards that must be met. The British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association will work to ensure that it will become more equitable; both in terms of the organisation and the wider sports.
We will demonstrate our commitment by:
- Promoting equality of opportunity and diversity within the communities in which we work and with all our partners and workforce
- Promoting diversity of thinking and representation on our Board through open, competence based and proactive recruitment practices and policies
- Continuing to achieve 30% female representation on our Board and working towards greater gender parity and diversity more broadly through the implementation of our Diversity Action Plan
- Treating our stakeholders, partners and colleagues fairly and with respect
- Promoting an environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment, and tackling behaviour which breaches this
- Recognising and valuing the differences and individual contribution that people make
- Providing support and encouragement to staff to develop their careers and increase their contributions to the organisation through the enhancement of their skills and abilities
- Building in legislative requirements and best practice to all our service delivery and employee policies and procedures, and supporting these with appropriate training and guidance
A copy of the British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association Equality Policy and related policies can be found here
A copy of the British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association Diversity Action Plan can be found via BBSA-Diversity-action-plan.pdf