Picture gallery: early season success & stunning scenery

There's been plenty to celebrate so far this season, with podium places in plentiful supply on the EC, ICC and NAC circuits amid some stunning scenery on both sides of the Atlantic.
Both GB Bobsleigh and GB Skeleton have enjoyed a number of top six finishes, with medals also being won in Germany and in Canada by Ashleigh Pittaway, Mica Moore, Mica McNeill and Anya Kay.
Pittaway, who was runner up in the recent SportsAid One to Watch award, made history when winning back-to-back medals as she became the youngest slider to do so on the ICC circuit.
McNeill tallied top-three finishes in all four of her NAC races in Calgary and Whistler as she bagged a brace of slivers and a bronze with newcomer Moore, before finishing with another silver alongside Kay.
Away from the action, our athletes snapped some super shots of the stunning scenery so we thought we'd share them with you, too.