IBSF statement re anti-doping

The International Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation (IBSF) have today released a statement regarding sanctions imposed on Russian bobsleigh athletes and an official following an anti-doping rule violation.
All those in question have the right to appeal but, if they decide not to appeal or if those appeals were unsuccessful, the IBSF have confirmed that results for the period listed will be adjusted accordingly. British athletes would therefore be in line for improved results and we will be monitoring the situation closely.
IBSF sanctions Russian Bobsleigh athletes and official for Anti-Doping Rule Violation with a period of ineligibility of two years
"On January 3rd, 2019 the International Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation´s (IBSF) Anti-Doping Hearing Panel (ADHP), consisting of Dolf Segaar (Chairman), Dr.Alessia Di Gianfrancesco, Prof. Dr. Ian Blackshaw and Prof. Dr. Peter Hemmersbach, conducted an expedited final hearing in the presence of Mr. Aleksander Zubkov, Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr. Ilvir Khuzin and Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev. The athletes were accompanied by their lawyer, Mr. Artem Patsev.
"The ADHP came to the conclusion that Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr. Ilvir Khuzin, Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr. Aleksander Zubkov have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for the use of a Prohibited Substance and the Use of a Prohibited Method (i.e. urine substitution) in violation of Article 2.2 of the IBSF ADR in connection with M2.1 of the 2014 WADA Prohibited List. These violations are for each of the Athletes regarded as one single violation according to Article 10.7.4 IBSF ADR 2009.
"For each of the athletes the ADRVs are their first doping violations. There are no circumstances that will lead to an elimination or reduction of the standard period of ineligibility. Mr Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr Ilvir Khuzin and Mr Aleksei Pushkarev, are already provisionally suspended as per December 13, 2018. Mr Aleksander Zubkov is provisionally suspended as per December 19, 2018.
"For the ADRVs mentioned above Mr Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr Ilvir Khuzin Mr Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr Aleksander Zubkov will each be sanctioned with a period of ineligibility of two years, starting from the day of their provisional suspension, for the first 3 Athletes mentioned this being December 13, 2018, therefore ending on December 12, 2020, for Mr Zubkov this being December 19, 2018 and therefore ending on December 18,2020, during which period they are not entitled to participate in any competition or activity. The term “activity” also includes, for example, administrative activities, such as serving as an official, director, officer, employee, or volunteer of the national organizations .
"In addition to the automatic disqualification of the results at the Olympic Winter Games 2014, Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr. Ilvir Khuzin Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr. Aleksander Zubkov are disqualified of all competitive results (medals, points and prices) since:
"The ADHP came to the conclusion that Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr. Ilvir Khuzin, Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr. Aleksander Zubkov have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for the use of a Prohibited Substance and the Use of a Prohibited Method (i.e. urine substitution) in violation of Article 2.2 of the IBSF ADR in connection with M2.1 of the 2014 WADA Prohibited List. These violations are for each of the Athletes regarded as one single violation according to Article 10.7.4 IBSF ADR 2009.
"For each of the athletes the ADRVs are their first doping violations. There are no circumstances that will lead to an elimination or reduction of the standard period of ineligibility. Mr Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr Ilvir Khuzin and Mr Aleksei Pushkarev, are already provisionally suspended as per December 13, 2018. Mr Aleksander Zubkov is provisionally suspended as per December 19, 2018.
"For the ADRVs mentioned above Mr Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr Ilvir Khuzin Mr Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr Aleksander Zubkov will each be sanctioned with a period of ineligibility of two years, starting from the day of their provisional suspension, for the first 3 Athletes mentioned this being December 13, 2018, therefore ending on December 12, 2020, for Mr Zubkov this being December 19, 2018 and therefore ending on December 18,2020, during which period they are not entitled to participate in any competition or activity. The term “activity” also includes, for example, administrative activities, such as serving as an official, director, officer, employee, or volunteer of the national organizations .
"In addition to the automatic disqualification of the results at the Olympic Winter Games 2014, Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov, Mr. Ilvir Khuzin Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev and Mr. Aleksander Zubkov are disqualified of all competitive results (medals, points and prices) since:
for Mr. Aleksander Kasjanov: 14 February 2014
for Mr. Ilvir Khuzin: 15 February 2014
for Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev: 23 February 2014
for Mr. Aleksander Zubkov: 23 February 2014
"The Athletes have the right of Appeal of this decision with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
"The athletes respectively the official as well as the Bobsleigh Federation of Russia (BFR) have been informed accordingly.
"The two remaining cases of Mr. Maxim Belugin and Mr. Alexey Voevoda are in progress."
Reasoned decision of the IBSF ADHP:
for Mr. Ilvir Khuzin: 15 February 2014
for Mr. Aleksei Pushkarev: 23 February 2014
for Mr. Aleksander Zubkov: 23 February 2014
"The Athletes have the right of Appeal of this decision with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
"The athletes respectively the official as well as the Bobsleigh Federation of Russia (BFR) have been informed accordingly.
"The two remaining cases of Mr. Maxim Belugin and Mr. Alexey Voevoda are in progress."
Reasoned decision of the IBSF ADHP: